If you’re running a small business, it’s likely that you don’t have a huge budget when it comes to marketing. This constraint makes a business blog a great starting point for getting your name out there as well as for building your authority.

With that said, there can be some pretty huge obstacles that prevent people from even getting started, despite knowing that having a business blog is a big deal for any online business. However, these can all be overcome – I’m going to take you through three of the most common obstacles here and how to beat them.

Technology Is Beating You Up

It might seem like the whole world can effortlessly open up a computer and start doing amazing things in a few keystrokes these days – but there are plenty of people who wouldn’t know where to start.

When it comes to starting a blog, some business owners may decide to try and do it all themselves – including building the business blog. Now, even if you’re adept with technology and have the time, you need to think about how you use your time. Wouldn’t it be better spent having an expert build it while you focus on running your business?

An expert web developer can also build your business blog exactly as you want it without the frustration of having to Google everything.  The key point here is really that you shouldn’t let the obstacle of getting your business blog online and looking good stop you from even writing your first post. There are professionals who can help you make it happen – and even write everything for you!

Getting Tongue-Tied Already – Cat Got Your Tongue?

So, your business blog is up, and running and your mind has run into a total blank. Sure, you have a few ideas, but you have no idea how you’re going to sustain them long enough for a “proper” blog. You may even be in awe of people who can churn out content on the same subject, day after day.

This is a really common doubt – even fear – that many people have, but it’s not insurmountable. It can be as simple as thinking of the top 10 questions you get asked all the time, or 10 things that people are always trying to figure out in your industry or niche.

These are both great blogging subjects, and the best thing is that there is a whole world of information out there for you to find new ideas. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at first, but trust me: if you always make notes of ideas, you will never run out of ideas.

No, You Don’t Need to Be A Big Deal to Start A Business Blog

This is the last obstacle, and it’s one that reflects how far blogging has come in the past decade. When they first started, people were quick to dismiss them as “online diaries” full of nonsense best left alone.

These days, every entrepreneur, business person, and public personality has a blog, and they’re followed by thousands. It’s easy to look at top bloggers and feel like you’re a small fry who has no right even to try. After all, who is going to read little old you ahead of these titans?

Absolute nonsense! Everyone has to start from the bottom sometimes. Even without this hard truth, it’s worth remembering that this blog isn’t there to make you “famous.” It’s to help you with your SEO, build your credibility as a business, and your authority as experts in your niche or industry. It’s also something that just helps new leads reach out to you.

Are these really benefits that you want to miss out on because you feel like you can’t match up to the blogging whales? Just find a subject, write about it, and give your expert opinion. Rinse and repeat until the world ends – that’s all you need to do (or hire someone to do).

That has been the approach of so many of today’s big bloggers – and if you start and continue, you have a strong chance to become a recognized name in your niche or industry; that’s a goal worth striving for, isn’t it?


All of these obstacles are, as you can see, primarily in your head. If you can write, think, and hold opinions on things going on in your industry as well as useful information, then you will do just fine blogging. Just leave the technical stuff to experts!