If you run an ecommerce store, virtually all of your income is going to come from your product pages. There’s no getting around one simple truth: if you want to maximize your sales, then you need to optimize your ecommerce product pages.

That’s certainly a sentence that can strike fear – or an impending sense of deep boredom – to the average online store owner. Just remember this old mantra beloved of sadistic physical trainers whipping you right back into shape: no pain, no gain!

This isn’t going to be too painful. While these tips are pretty basic, they will make a world of difference to your product pages – as well as to your bottom line. It’s time to get your shopping carts buzzing!

Optimize Your Meta Data

This sounds pretty dry and technical, but it’s not difficult. It is, however, vital for your SEO. Metadata is essentially what Google’s <s>spys</s> spiders look for when indexing your engine, and also what Google uses when people are searching for anything.

Whenever you Google, you typically see a page headline followed by a brief description – that’s meta. You’ll want to focus on your meta tags, your title tags, and your meta description.

Go over what you’ve got, and make sure that all of these look attractive to potential customers: make sure it’s clear what your product is, why people might want to buy it, and of course, what the benefits of owning it are

You’ll also want to ensure that your main keywords feature in the title tag and meta descriptions.

Check Out Your User Metrics

This is essentially details about your website and web page visitors. For example, if someone comes to your product from Google then almost immediately bounces, it sends a strong message to Google that your page didn’t have what they wanted – and then your ranking goes down.

That’s not great – and you really want to persuade people to stick around a while and ideally purchase something. The best way to do this is to maximize the appeal of your product with a sexy description. Make sure it’s immediately clear from the copy that they can understand why your product is for them.

More than just great copy, it’s also about high-quality images – or even having a video review. Essentially, the more that people can see and learn about the product before buying it, the better. Reviews are also valuable here, as they provide social proof that this item is as advertised and fantastic (unless, of course, your reviews are bad…).

If you’re not sure about whether you need to change anything up here, then the best thing to do is to consider what you like to see when you visit an ecommerce page. Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and see if anything is missing – then add it in.

Make The Most Of Your Ecommerce Product Page Headings

By this, I don’t just mean your title headling (H1), but also sub-headings (H2). These are useful for splitting your text up, and also for SEO. Obviously, your headings should describe the product and make use of your keyword – this is an easy way to help you rank that little bit higher. See – not so painful!

Get Jiggy With the Features and Benefits

One of the key things that people look for when they are research and buying products is features. These are those little and large details about a product that reveals why this product is useful to someone – as well as what sets it apart from other products.

The best way to highlight features is to use bullet points. These are a clear, signposted, and concise way to describe features that help to drive more traffic and boost conversions, simply because people know exactly what they are going to get.

Use Cross-Links For Getting More Product Page Juice

Cross-links are a beautiful thing that means you’re not just limited to showing one thing on a page. On this blog page, for example, you can see links to many of my other pages. On many ecommerce sites, such as Amazon, there are plentiful links to ‘related products.’ Cross-linking helps Google to index more pages while showing people more products they might be interested in. If you want improved rankings, more traffic, and more sales, then this is one tactic you don’t want to miss out on.

These aren’t too hard to accomplish, and you’ll find the results you get back go a lot further than your efforts. If you’re ready to grow your search engine traffic for your ecommerce product pages, there’s really no finer way to go!