Ever ask yourself a simple question: “Do I really need an autoresponder?” 

The answer? Yes, you do!

The why behind this is really quite simple: how would you like the almost magical ability to send out important information about your business to your customers and leads on autopilot?

Sounds good, right?

While this might seem impossible – you’ve got to log in and create the message first, haven’t you? – if you want to be successful online, this isn’t only possible, but also a practical necessity. All you need to make the magic happen is an autoresponder.

business copywriter for autoresponders

What is an Autoresponder?

An autoresponder is simply a way to send out emails automatically to your existing customers (and leads). If you’re running anything online, then you simply need one. After all, time is money, and running a business means you never have enough time – so why spend much of it dealing with your emails?

What autoresponders let you do is have templated emails, announcements, and more go out to customers at times you set. The fact that everything is already prepared means that people who write to you will get responses immediately – another boon for your business and its custome relations!

You’ve probably experienced this in action yourself, such as when you open a ticket with someone. Typically, you’ll get a response in just a few minutes letting you know that someone is looking into the issue and will be with you shortly.

Automate Your Business with Autoresponders

As you might have already guessed, autoresponders are incredibly versatile, and are useful for businesses of all shapes and sizes. You can create them for multiple uses, including:

  • Quick responses to common questions about your products and services
  • Lightning fast customer support to soothe irate tempers
  • Powerful sales letters to entice people to buy a new product
  • Tempting special deals and offers around the year, especially during holidays
  • Interesting newsletters to keep your business in customers’ minds
  • Typical templates to welcome new members, thank people for buying, and more

These are just a few examples – there are many more. An autoresponder copywriter can help you to draft these, making your autoresponder a virtually hands-off experience that drives your business forward 24/7.

copywriting for autoresponders and marketing strategy

Why Should Your Business Use an Autoresponder?

Now, some of you might be thinking that this is all a bit over the top; a lot of this information could just as easily be sat on your website, right?

Yes, it could – but the advantage of email marketing is that you can track the success of each autoresponder you send out. You can see opening rates, click through rates, and a whole lot more, all of which lets you see how effective your promotions are.

A website can give you some of this – but not all of it. That’s not all, either: with email, you can also write back to any customers if the situation warrants it. Whether that’s working 1-on-1 with that irate customer or building a sales funnel, emails remain a powerful tool for your business that you shouldn’t discount.

An autoresponder helps to make this all a lot easier while automating the more generic mailouts, saving you a lot of time in the long run.

Which Autoresponder Should You Choose?

There are many autoresponders out there, and I can’t advise you which one will work best for your business. What I can tell you is that it’s absolutely critical to find one that works well for your business and its style.

You’ll want to find an autoresponder that lets you be as personal as possible. Nobody likes dealing with robots – just ask Amazon warehouse workers, attacked by a robot wielding bear repellent this week – so you do need to ensure that your emails aren’t overtly robotic.

You’ll want to be able to send as many follow-ups as possible, too, as it typically takes seven contact points before people finally unclench that grip on their wallet. Remember, many will have specific questions, so your autoresponder should be able to tackle this with a good sequence that allows for human intervention as needed.

Finally, the cost: autoresponders shouldn’t cost you too much. There are many different levels and pricing plans, many of which grow with your business. With a little research, you should be able to find one that fits your needs and your budget.

There are some free autoresponders out there, and while they can work, it’s worth checking very carefully for reviews, especially negative ones, before using them. Aside from lacking some of the fancier features that come with the paid autoresponders, they may actually damage your business’ reputation more than help you.

copywriter for autoresponders

Hire an Autoresponder Copywriter Today

There’s no doubt that autoresponders are a powerful sales and marketing tool for businesses today. A good autoresponder strategy can bring you plenty of extra traffic with very little time investment – but only if the content compels readers to act.

A good autoresponder copywriter can advise you on the best strategy to kickstart your autoresponders with, and also provide you with complete funnels and sequences so that you’re ready to go without having to do all the hard work of strategizing and copywriting yourself.

Put a copywriter and an autoresponder together, and your email marketing strategy will be a powerful tool that helps your business to grow even faster.