Let me tell you a little secret about being an amazing copywriter.

Some of the best copywriters out there throw the rule book right out of the window.

All that stuff you got taught in college about how to write correctly?

Yeah, it’s all wrong in the world of copywriting.

Forget what they taught you at school and throw all those long, complex sentences right out the window.

Nobody cares about your carefully crafted long sentences.

It’s definitely not amazing copywriting!

They’re boring to read, and most of us have the attention span of a hyperactive goldfish these days.

All you have to do is use small sentences. Little punchy sentences, like this one.

Think like a staccato beat. Under ten words, say. Paragraphs that don’t go on for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 lines of text. Who wants to read a wall of text – that’s not great writing for many.

You might – I certainly do – but for most people, they just see a big ole wall of text and tune out. It’s gotta be boring, right?

Think about advertising copy these days. Some of the copywriting is amazing – but that’s not what stands out the most.

It’s all highly visual stuff, with the words sometimes adding to that visual imagery thanks to a creative and imaginative use of fonts.

In short, it’s a graphics show with keywords spitting out benefits and CTAs. If you try to advertise with a wall of text rather than good content, you’re going to have a bad time.

Take a look at your own marketing materials – your blog, whatever, and see if it’s short and to the point – or if it’s the dreaded wall of text.

Ideally, you don’t want any fat chunks of text – you want something that a goldfish can follow. A simple train of thought, broken up into digestible pieces.

Here’s my challenge to you: next time you’re writing something – anything – for your business, try writing in short, almost childish sentences.

Yes, that really is a secret to amazing copywriting.

It might feel wrong at first – it goes against what all of us have been taught is great writing – but wait until you see the results, and you’ll be an amazing copywriter yourself!