Ever wondered how you can write website content that’s so good that it pretty much forces people to binge-read through it until they’ve gorged themselves on every last morsel?

So far as this fantasy goes, you may even be daydreaming about people being so satisfied with the content smorgasbord you laid before them that they actually contact you to thank you!

Whether it’s your sales page, your blog, your product pages, or another working part of your website, you ideally want something that keeps people glued to your site and ready to guzzle down all the content that you have published. After all, the longer they stay on your site, the more likely they are to convert into a client or customer.

But how do you do this? It’s not actually complicated, and I’ve already mentioned – and used it – above: leverage their fantasies.

Let Me Be Your Fantasy?

Everyone has fantasies – and I’m not just talking about the naughty ones. Rather, I’m talking about their fantasies with regard to what you’ve got to offer. You have a business website and want to sell – that’s your ultimate fantasy, but there’s plenty of more specific fantasies that contribute to this – such as having little morsels of content that keep people dining at your buffet (instead of checking out your competition’s offering).

To really do this though, you need to get into the head of your customers and clients and understand exactly what their fantasy is, along with their corresponding nightmare. Unpacking this psychological pack helps you to write stuff that’s incredibly tailored toward their innermost desires, which significantly increases the probability that they will buy. You’re offering them not just the fantasy made reality, but also the promise of a better life in one form or another.

Make the Fantasy Come Alive On Every Page

It’s one thing to do all this research and understand it, but you also need to make it work for you. Nobody will know that you ‘get’ them if hey can’t see it on your web pages, so go through your website to see how you can make it more fantastical and targeted toward their dream.

That could be as small as a funny little anecdote or a snippet of information – or it can be as big as a teaching moment that reveals something surprising about them that they would never think of without reading your pages. You’re feeding them soul food – the kind that speaks directly into their soul, demolishing all resistance points as you type.

Even showing how you’ve taken that journey that they’re now on and come out the other side – and can help them do the same – is powerful stuff. The whole point is really just to latch onto that fantasy and never let go.

This is a very simple tip, but also a hugely effective one. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty – give them what they love, and they’ll thank you for it!